Experience the Power of AI-Driven Interview Preparation with IntelliHire.AI Leading the Way!

Elevate your career to new heights as our innovative platform combines artificial intelligence and immersive simulations to transform your interview preparation.

Interview Simulations

Real-time video analysis technology enables tailored dynamic interview questions, customized for each candidate based on their specific job roles. This advanced system analyzes facial expressions, body language, and speech patterns to gain valuable insights into candidate performance.

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For University

Platform for Institutions to prepare students and enhance career prospects through skills assessments and job-role based interview simulations

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Intellihire will deliver job suggestions based on individual skills, enhancing career prospects Get Started

Interview by a role, job description or resume to receive suggestions Get Started

Intellihire drives objective candidate evaluation and scoring. Get Started

Intellihire provides AI-driven analysis and suggestions after interviews to enhance performance, ensure transparency, and deliver actionable insights to both the candidate and admins. Get Started

Intellihire allows admins to see all applications filtered by organizations and specific jobs, enabling efficient tracking and management of candidates across different organizational units. Get Started

For Corporate

Platform for companies to assess talent at scale, using automation and responsible AI to hire talent.

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Leveraging voice-based AI technology, IntelliHire automates interviews with AI-generated questions and analyzes facial expressions to deliver a seamless and efficient candidate assessment. Get Started

IntelliHire ensures data security through role-based access control. Admins, HR personnel, and hiring managers have specific permissions and functionalities within the platform. Get Started

Create, edit, and manage job postings with ease. IntelliHire allows admins to include detailed information, screening questions, and interview questionnaires for each position. Get Started

Enables admins to view each job in detail, including job summaries, applicants, and their interview statuses, providing a holistic view of the hiring process for each position. Get Started

Candidates enjoy a structured application process with email verification, screening question evaluation, and a guided interview experience. Get Started

IntelliHire prioritizes data security. Encryption for data-at-rest and token-based access for APIs ensure Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and Intellectual Property (IP) are protected. Get Started

Automated emails keep candidates informed of their application status. Acceptance or rejection notifications are sent based on application details and screening results. Get Started